Dianne's top 5 tips for surviving the first 48 – 72 hours:
- Until your milk comes in breastfeeding is hard, awkward, painful, so don’t overdo it.
- If you’re not having any success, relax and give your beautiful newborn a cuddle, let them snuggle into your boob and enjoy the moment. They won’t starve!
- Newborns don’t have big mouths and so attaching is difficult in the first few days – it won’t be like it is on the posters and videos.
- You will cry in the first 48 hours – it’s like PMT personified!
- Don’t rely on the midwives to help attach at each feed, they’re great but usually overworked and can take an eternity to get to you.
Here’s my top 5 tips for breastfeeding mums:
- If you’re not comfortable expressing, don’t worry. You might feel a bit trapped now, but really it’s only a short time before you’re down to five feeds, then three, then weaned.
- If you can afford a lactation consultation get one from day one.
- Don’t ever feel uncomfortable about breastfeeding in public. 99% of the time no one will notice or care, and if they do it’s their problem not yours.
- I get really upset when I read in Parenting magazines about mums who’ve been to hell and back and are really emotionally scarred from the breastfeeding experience. It shouldn’t be like that. So I think the most important piece of advice that I can give to a new mum is that breastfeeding should be a positive, nurturing experience for both mum and bub. If you can’t do it, if it’s all too overwhelming and painful, it’s okay to say no and to bottle feed instead.
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Posted by: Fertility Clinic Success Rates | 01/12/2012 at 04:41 PM