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Breastfeeding: Real Moms Tell You How

  • Book cover
    Every year more than 4.3 million women have babies in the United States. Over 75% of these women try to breastfeed their babies, most finding it difficult and often ending in tears. In a cry for help and support, 82% of all moms are still searching for answers on how to feed their newborn babies six weeks out. Despite what most people think, breastfeeding does not come naturally, it has to be learned and most women are starved for information and support. Many feel guilty, alone and let down when they turn to bottle feeding and find nobody is there to help them. Why aren’t mothers being supported? Why as a nation are we letting these women down? At last two mothers come to the rescue lending realistic advice for the modern mom. They offer their knowledge, encouragement and support, with the expertise of real moms from around the world. This book is not a medical how to book, it’s a book written by real moms for moms, the women feeding our future.


  • Gorgeous Mother & Child
    Tatyanna and Melissa partnered with to help spread awareness because we know how powerful the voice of a mother can be. A dollar from every book sold will be donated to to support the continued education and empowerment of pregnant and nursing mothers living with HIV.
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